
Day 2:

早上六點半大家起床後,梳洗完敬拜完靈修完後,八點大家就開動吃早餐啦!!!早餐很豐盛,有麵包.牛奶..果醬.花生醬.巧克力醬.香蕉,還有昨天首恩媽媽昨天拿來的酸梅湯(都變冰沙了><)。大家邊聊天邊吃邊嗆李佳翰= =(他真的很愛吃XDDD)




然後到了四點,大家拿著傳單到逢甲大學發,但是今天下午校園裡的小孩跟昨天比起來真的是少之又少L  不過還是有發出幾張,求神保守J(自謙+亦飛竟然迷路……)








Waking up after 6:30 in the morning, and also after washing and after sometime of spiritual means, everyone finally started breakfast at 8! Breakfast was very plentiful. There was bread, milk, egg, jam, and peanut butter, chocolate syrup, banana and the plum juice which 首恩’s mom brought here yesterday. (It became ice after spending a night in the refrigerator.) Everyone ate and picked on李佳翰 :P After breakfast it was time for topic discussions for our camp groups. Everyone practiced 5 of the short drama, then we went through everything we are supposed to do tomorrow, starting from the opening ceremony until the mini games in the afternoon. After that, a lot of people gathered around the table to re-order the 5 colored caterpillars.(the colors were wrong.) After lunch, everyone slept till two. Everyone was very tired. :))Afternoon was practice time for all groups, and a went through a few prayers. After that, it was 4pm everyone went to 逢甲 University to give out fliers. The number in children was a lot less compared to yesterday. :( But we did manage to send out a few. J (自謙+亦飛 even got lost on their way….) Dinner was warm and peaceful. Everyone was discussing about several cartoons and movies. After dinner 榮恩哥 lead our prayers. Because of Jesus Christ who died for us we thank him. Next we went through the camp preparations. We went through the open ceremony. Thank Lord it was all successful. Lastly it was every group running the process for the groups tomorrow. Laughter was plentiful. Thank the Lord we were under his hands today. All teammates , tomorrow is the camp. Do the best!


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